Coaching – Nurturing your process of evolving
The focus of our coaching process together will be on you and how you would like to go on, both in your life and in your work.
I will offer you my full presence and a deep curiosity about who you are as a person, in all your complexity, past experiences, current thoughts, and future hopes and aspirations. There won’t be a pre-determined outcome – you and I will explore together where your journey takes you, so you can realize your full potential.
For that, I will provide a safe and trustful environment to which I bring my own calm, groundedness and serenity. I offer you relational safety, warmth and trust, and I look for mutuality in our exchange.
Based on my own life experience, I am open and generous in my world view and my view of people, respecting, valuing and honouring their ways of being and their choices – you can be who you are, disclose what you want, share any dilemma with me. I will not judge you. I also bring a lot of intercultural awareness.
I will listen empathetically to understand you. I am there for you, to help you make sense, find meaning, experiment with new insights and act courageously into new behaviours.
As part of my duty of care, I respect and work with your boundaries – if you feel we infringe on any, I will always ask for your consent in staying with challenges or going further. Everything talked about will also be fully confidential.
In terms of a theoretical grounding, based on a humanistic and relational philosophy, I take a Gestalt approach, focusing on what is figural for you. As needed, we may integrate elements of e.g. a cognitive or psychodynamic approach or of Transactional Analysis.
I am also open to a transpersonal approach, based on my own professional background in Sustainability and my own spiritual grounding in Zen-Buddhist thought.
My professional competence is based on Master’s studies in Organisation Consulting, coaching training from Ashridge, and years of work in the corporate world. This is complemented by my own life experience and by therapy and coaching I had. I also receive regular own supervision.
Meeting your needs around time and location, I am also happy to offer you telephone or Skype coaching.