Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
Corporate Responsibility is about a long-term change initiative for the whole organization.
Corporate Responsibility is complex – it is about a company’s responsible and sustainable behavior in all company matters, in financial, environmental, employee, and societal areas.
Over the past few years, a lot of organizations have become interested in a responsible approach, although governments and NGOs cannot talk about their corporate responsibility, as they are not corporations. Increasingly, people in the field talk generally about Organization Sustainability.
Increasingly, also leading companies talk about Corporate Responsibility as ‘Sustainability and Business Innovation‘.
To me, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability are about change – they are a whole-organization change initiative. The people working in the CR function itself are, to me, mainly influencers, change agents, facilitators, auditors.
Consulting on Current State Analysis, Risk Mitigation, Strategy Development, CR as a change initiative, Action Planning, Measurement & Evaluation, CSR Reporting, CSR Communications
Trust and rely upon my international background in corporate responsibility and organization consulting. You and I can look together at what CR means to you, and we can find out jointly from your stakeholders what it means to them and what they expect of your company. (Current State Analysis, Stakeholder Analysis)
We can look at where your company’s core competencies lie, and at where and how you are already acting responsibly. We can find out where risky issue areas might be, and how those could be addressed (risk mitigation). We can also explore how your company can proactively innovate to distinguish itself. (Strategy Development)
Our collaboration could extend to how you want to work with stakeholder dialogue and with cross-sector partner organizations on your responsibility. (Stakeholder Relations, Open-Source Innovation, Cross-Sector Partnering)
I’ll also be happy to work with you and your team on understanding yourselves as change agents, effectively integrating the CR and Sustainability topics throughout your organization, starting with the board via middle management and reaching every single employee – so as to make sure that long-term implementation will be spearheaded by leadership, adapted by function owners, supported by middle management and understood by every employee.
Our joint process would offer you an opportunity to understand yourself and act as a responsible corporate citizen and a sustainable enterprise – with proven impact and respective internal and external positioning. (Action Planning, Measurement & Evaluation, CSR Reporting, leveraging impact in CSR Communications).